To use the GFS Checkout widgets, you must have a Checkout account. Please see Using GFS Checkout for more information.
There are several methods available to make the widgets. GFS currently supports npm based installs provided by GFS. It is also possible to clone the code, or copy it from the GitHub repositories, however this is not an approach supported by GFS.
The widgets use the 'SemVer' semantic versioning standard common to many open source projects, and they are released on an ad-hoc basis when required. There may be versions tagged as 'pre-release' and generally these are stable and can be installed, however, they will not have been fully tested and may contain bugs or experimental un-documented features. As such, they are suitable for development, but should not be considered 'production quality'.
Please subscribe to the widget projects in GitHub to stay up to date with on going changes and releases, and check the readme files for each release to review any changes.
npm is a package manager that can be used to install GFS widgets, and manage widget updates. Installing the widgets in your project using the npm file also ensures that all of the required widget frameworks and libraries are installed.
You can learn more about npm and how to us it at the npmjs.
The table below details the packages in the npm registry, and the widgets installed by each.
npm package | Installed widget(s) |
gfs-checkout-widget | The main GFS Checkout widget |
gfs-carrier-icon | The GFS Carrier Icon widgets and icon collection |
gfs-delivery-address | The GFS Delivery Address widget |
gfs-carrier-info | The GFS Carrier Info and Carrier Icon widget |
gfs-selected-droppoint | The GFS Selected Droppoint and Carrier Icon widget |
gfs-droppoint | The GFS Droppoint and Carrier Icon widget |
gfs-supported-carriers | The GFS Supported Carriers and Carrier Icon widget |
gfs-listbox | The GFS listbox widget |
gfs-item | The GFS item widget |
gfs-toast | The GFS toast widget |
gfs-button | The GFS button widget |
gfs-styles | The GFS styles widget |
gfs-dropdown-menu | The GFS dropp down widget |
Note: While it is possible to use the code in GitHub to install the widgets, GFS does not support it; it is intended to be used by developers who wish to customise the widgets in more detail.
If you plan on modifying the widget code, you may wish to install it using the code by taking it directly from GitHub. The widgets are released as an open source, community supported, project. Please refer to the GitHub and Polymer documents if you plan to use this approach and customise the widgets yourself. If you modify the widgets, or add features to them, please feel free to submit a pull request through GitHub to have your code considered for inclusion in the project.