The Checkout widget provides a rich user interface that interacts with the GFS Checkout service in order to provide a wide range of easily configured delivery options.
In the event that the Checkout widget is unable to access the backend GFS Servers to retrieve service information, the widget can be configured to offer a single service to allow the customer to complete their checkout. This is accomplished using the six 'default' fields defined in the table below.
Property | Description |
inc-std | Determine if the standard delivery services will be included in the checkout request. Defaults to false. (Boolean) |
inc-day-def | Determine if the day definets will be included in the checkout request. Defaults to false. (Boolean) |
inc-drop-point | Determine if the droppoints will be included in the checkout request. Defaults to false. (Boolean) |
inc-stores | Determine if the stores will be included in the checkout request. Defaults to false. (Boolean) |
use-standard | Determine if the standard (non-day-definite) options are shown if there are non-day-definite services available. Defaults to false. (Boolean) |
use-calendar | Determine if the calendar (day definite) options are shown if there are day-definite services available. Defaults to false. (Boolean) |
use-droppoints | Determine if the drop point options are shown, if drop point services are available. Defaults to false. (Boolean) |
use-droppoints-stores | Delivery method that provide the available store based on postcode combined in with the droppoints on the same map. Defaults to false. (Boolean) |
checkout-token | The Java Web Token (JWT) provided by the identity server to enable the widget to communicate with the GFS Checkout servers. The JWT must be Base64 encoded. See the security section for more information on authentication and obtaining this token. This attribute is mandatory. |
checkout-request | This attribute is used to populate the cart and order details in the widget, so that the best delivery options can be presented. For more details see below. This attribute is mandatory. |
checkout-results | Used to hold the 'select' value from the service. Important for close checkout API call. |
sessionid | Used to store the sessionID for close checkout method. |
checkout-data | Used to store the closeCheckout JSON for close checkout method. If the widget reports an error, then the value in the property close-checkout-error will be returned. If no error exists the JSON will be in the format {"closeSession":true,"selectedDeliveryOptionID":"D4S4","selectedDroppointId":null}. |
default-delivery-method | Determines the initially selected delivery option, 0 for non-day-definite, 1 for day-definite or 2 for drop point. Defaults to 0. |
service-sort-order | If multiple services are available within a category, determines the order in which they are presented to the customer. One of cheapestFirst, fastestFirst, expensiveFirst, slowestFirst. Defaults to cheapestFirst. |
standard-delivery-title | Title displayed for the standard (non-day-definite) section. Defaults to 'Standard Delivery'. |
calendar-delivery-title | Sets the title for the calendar delivery option. Defaults to 'Choose a delivery date and time'. |
calendar-day-prompt | Sub-heading text displayed under the calendar control, before the services. Defaults to 'Select one of the following deliveries time:'. |
calendar-day-non-prompt | Sub-heading text displayed under the calendar control, if no available service on selected date. Defaults to 'Please select a delivery date.'. |
drop-point-delivery-title | Sets the title for the drop point delivery option. Defaults to "Click and Collect". |
orientation | Set tabs disposition. Possible values are 'horizontal|vertical'. Also effect the droppoint/store list UI. Defaults to 'horizontal'. |
initial-address | Initial address to be used for the drop point map; this may be different to the delivery address specified in the 'checkout-request' attribute. |
currency-symbol | The currency symbol to use when displaying costs. Defaults to '$'. |
default-description | The name of the default service to be offered to the customer in the event that the widget cannot contact the GFS Checkout servers. |
default-carrier | The default carrier to be offered to the customer in the event that the widget cannot contact the GFS Checkout server. |
default-price | The price of the default service to be offered to the customer in the event that the widget cannot contact the GFS Checkout server. ex.: default-price='[{"currency": "GBP", "price": 2.22}]'. |
default-min-delivery-time | The minimum delivery time in days of the default service to be offered to the customer in the event that the widget cannot contact the GFS Checkout server. |
default-max-delivery-time | The maximum delivery time in days of the default service to be offered to the customer in the event that the widget cannot contact the GFS Checkout server. |
default-int-description | The name of the default international service to be offered to the customer in the event that the widget cannot contact the GFS Checkout servers. |
default-int-carrier | The default international carrier to be offered to the customer in the event that the widget cannot contact the GFS Checkout server. |
default-int-price | The price of the default international service to be offered to the customer in the event that the widget cannot contact the GFS Checkout server. ex.: default-price='[{"currency": "GBP", "price": 13.50}]'. |
default-min-delivery-time | The minimum delivery time in days of the default international service to be offered to the customer in the event that the widget cannot contact the GFS Checkout server. |
default-int-max-delivery-time | The maximum delivery time in days of the default international service to be offered to the customer in the event that the widget cannot contact the GFS Checkout server. |
home-map-icon | Url of an image to be used for 'home' on the drop point map view. |
store-map-icon | Url of an image to be used for 'stores' on the drop point map view. |
allow-calendar-preselect | Determine if there will be a pre-select service for the nonDayDefinites. Defaults to true. (Boolean) |
show-calendar-no-services | Display a notification message if the selected day has no available services. Defaults to false. (Boolean) |
calendar-no-services | Sets a notification messages if no services on selected date. 'show-calendar-no-services' must be set to true. Defaults to 'There are no services available on this day'. |
calendar-theme | Use this property to override the default calendar theme. You can choose one from the 3 pre-existing themes for the calendar. Available values are 'light-blue', 'light-grey', 'dark'. |
day-labels | Sets the calendar week days. Can also be used to localize the days. Default set to day-labels='["Su","Mo","Tu","We","Th","Fr","Sa"]'. Order must remain as it is. |
month-labels | Sets the calendar months. Can also be used to localize the months. Default set to month-labels='["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]'. Order must remain as it is. |
disabled-dates | Disable specific dates. ex. disabled-dates="[4, 10, 12, 19, 30]". A day that have available services will override this. |
disable-prev-days | Disable previous visible month days. ex.: disable-prev-days="true". Default set to false. |
disable-next-days | Disable next visible month days. Default set to false. |
calendar-hight-lighted-bg | Set the background color on the calendar, for days that have deliveries. Can be HEX, RGB(A), HSL(A) or color name. Defaults to "#828181". |
calendar-hight-lighted-color | Set the color on the calendar, for days that have deliveries. Can be HEX, RGB(A), HSL(A) or color name. Defaults to "#fff". |
calendar-selected-day-bg | Set the background on the calendar, for the selected day. Can be HEX, RGB(A), HSL(A) or color name. Defaults to "#006df0". |
show-opening-hours | This atttribute is to display the opening hours of the droppoint or the store. Default set to true. |
show-distance | This atttribute is to display the distance from the home location to the selected droppoint or store. Default set to true. |
is-standard-button | Show or hide the "select" button on the droppoint or store list. Default set to "true". |
display-button-text | Sets the text button on the droppointor store list. Default set to "Select". |
display-button-deselected-text | Sets the text button on the droppoint or store list. Default set to "Deselect". |
postcode-search-result-text | Display a text, under the map search form with the latest search data. Default set to "Last searched postcode:". |
droppoint-sort-list | Option to sort the droppoint list based on the following properties: distance, carriername. Defaults to distance. |
show-duty-message | Show a message with the tax and duty calculated or included price for each service. Default set to true. |
tax-and-duty-type | This attribute is used to define what level of duty & taxes you wish to present. This can be set to "estimate" or "charge". Estimate will populate a message with the 'tax-and-duty' value if was set and charge will add the value on each service price. Default set to "estimate". |
tax-and-duty | This is the value returned from the dutyandtax API call, it is passed in the currency provided i.e. if GBP is sent GBP will return. if this value is <= 0 will be ignored. Default set to 0. |
Event | Description |
selectedServiceChanged getStandardSelectedService getCalendarSelectedService getDroppointSelectedService |
Fired when the user changes the selected delivery options. The event payload is a JSON object detailing the newly selected delivery options. |
dateSelected |
Fired when the user selects a day in calendar. This event will return the available services for the selected day. |
prevmonth, currMonth, nextmonth |
Fires when the user change the moth in the calendar. This event will return the days for the next or previous month. |
droppoint-changed |
Fires when the user select a droppoint in the map. This event will return the available info for the selected droppoint. |
store-changed |
Fires when the user select a store in the map. This event will return the available info for the selected store. |
The widget uses a JSON object to return the selected service details via the payload of the selectedServiceChanged event and the getChosenServiceDetails method.
See the Pen Main Checkout Widget by PETER LIU (@globalfreight) on CodePen.
In order to present delivery options to the customer, the widget needs details of the order in order to filter the available services. This data is passed as a Base64 encoded JSON string in the 'checkout-request' attribute of the widget. The tables below detail the types that comprise the JSON.
The Request object is the root for the hierarchy that is passed into the widget.
Field Name | Required | Example value |
options.startDate | Mandatory | 2021-01-14 |
options.endDate | Mandatory | 2021-03-23 |
options.currency | Mandatory | GBP |
options.droppoints.max | Optional | 20 |
options.droppoints.radius | Optional | 50000 |
options.stores.max | Optional | 30 |
options.stores.radius | Optional | 30000 | | Optional | GFS, Piries Place | | Optional | Horsham | | Optional | West Sussex | | Mandatory | RH12 1EH | | Mandatory | GB | | Optional | GFS, Unit 3 Taurus Park | | Optional | Warrington | | Optional | Cheshire | | Mandatory | WA5 7ZT | | Mandatory | GB |
order.packs | Optional | 15 |
order.price | Mandatory | 165.32 |
order.additionalData[x].name | Optional | Additionalvaluename123 |
order.additionalData[x].value | Optional | Mandatory for every order.additionalData[0].name provided |
order.items[X].countryOfManufacture | Optional | EU |
order.items[X].description | Mandatory | Item description free text |
order.items[X].price | Mandatory | 11.25 |
order.items[X].dimensions.unit | Optional | cm |
order.items[X].dimensions.length | Optional | 15 |
order.items[X].dimensions.height | Optional | 56 |
order.items[X].dimensions.width | Optional | 24 |
order.items[X].weight.unit | Optional | g |
order.items[X].weight.value | Optional | 764 |
order.items[X].productCode | Mandatory | ProdCode123 |
order.items[X].sku | Optional | SKU-123 |
order.items[X].quantity | Mandatory | 15 |
order.items[X].additionalData[x].name | Optional | Additionalitemvaluename123 |
order.items[X].additionalData[x].value | Optional | Mandatory for every order.items[X].additionalData[0].name provided |
order.items[X].hazardous[X] | Optional | Hazard-C3 |