Before being able to generate the developer key, you must enable a two factor authentication. This will send an activation code to your phone to enable you to carry out the following steps. Once these steps have been completed you can disable this setting.
1.Login to website using your Etsy username and password.
2.Click “Developers” link at the bottom of page.
3.Click “Register as developer” on the left-hand menu.
4.Fill in the form to create a new application using the following data as an example:
Application Name: GFS Channel Connector
Describe your Application: Downloads new orders and uploads shipment tracking information.
Application Website:
Type of application: Seller Tools
Is your application commercial: No
Who will be the users of this application: Just myself or colleagues
Will your app do any of the following: Read sales data
5. Click “I am not a robot” and “Read Terms and Create App” button. A new page will be displayed where you can copy Consumer Key and Consumer Secret (displayed as Keystring and Shared Secret respectively).
An image of the portal is below:
Having created the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret, you will then need to create the Access Token and Access Secret by following the steps below: