Dear GFS developers,
We need to use CloseChekout Api. When we perform the following SOAP request (via SoapUI), the result is ERR_CUSTOMER_NOT_FOUND (2000).
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" ...> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <tem:CloseCheckout> <tem:closeCheckoutRequest> <gfs:SelectedSuperservice> <gfs1eliveryOptionId>[selected by widget]</gfs1
eliveryOptionId> </gfs:SelectedSuperservice> <gfs:Session> <gfs1:APIKeyID>[Api key from Management console]</gfs1:APIKeyID> <gfs1:SessionID>[session id taken from browser console (generated by the widget)]</gfs1:SessionID> </gfs:Session> </tem:closeCheckoutRequest> </tem:CloseCheckout> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>
First of all, let us know what you mean by "Customer". Is it your customer (TPS) or our customer (User)? If the first is true, then maybe the ApiKey that was provided to us is incorrect or did not have enough authority. Otherwise, there is no information about integration between our customers and your service in Docs. Please, provide us with it in case there is some.
P.S.: We tried session ids both from the demo and the customized gfs-checkout-widget (supplied with a fresh token based on our client_id/secret).
Software Engineer (EPAM System)
We develop the integration on behalf of The Perfume Shop